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Card Reading

See what energies and possibilities are available for you to use with a card reading

My readings are not about telling the future, they look at what the possibilities are in the coming months
and what energy you have to play with. It's always about choice, there is no one defined future. 

Go to my calendar below to book in 

What people say

Every year I look forward to my yearly overview reading. First, taking the hour to look forward at the year and reflect with Sam and her amazing insights is such a pleasure, and that by itself is a great gift. Then, having the year's overview is a powerful touchstone every month. I am amazed at the depth of meaning in each card as I contemplate their messages when planning for the future, contemplating the present moment, and reflecting on the past year. A great gift for yourself and to give to those you love.

AL - (USA)

I have been getting annual readings from Sam for many years now and they are always, month by month, so very accurate.  Not only have they aligned with and guided the dream goals which I set for myself each year, her readings have helped me  to face the challenges that I need to face, month by month,  in order to achieve my dreams.  Even though I do not share with her what my dream for a particular year is, every single card has accurately depicted both my growth and challenges over each entire year.  I highly recommend getting an annual reading from Sam……….her ability to tune into the energy of both your cards and your soul’s desire for growth is astoundingly accurate. 

Jeanni Jones (Canada)

"Sam’s reading was magical. Each card showed me so clearly where I am on my path, what needs my attention and what supports me right now. It gave me confirmation, focus and trust. Sam is a light, loving and insightful reader."

Karin Bosveld (Netherlands)

"I encourage everyone, including an intuit like myself, to venture outside their box for perspective. Sam’s readings are surrounded by love and light, and each insight brings clarity, encouragement, and inspiration. After my session, I felt inspired and was able to see my path more clearly."

Lesley Wexler (Libertyville, IL)

Sam has an amazing gift in reading the cards and for me personally it was right on point with what I was feeling, the decisions I am making in my life and clearly a guide of where I should be focusing my energies. She is infused with a clarity that is second to none and I would definitely recommend her to friends and family. On top of this she is a very personable and loveable being who radiates love, light and an almost healing touch even though we were on video !!

EB – (Surrey UK)

My 12-month card reading with Sam was the perfect way to start the new year. The cards that showed up month by month wove together in a really cohesive way to tell the story of my year.  There was no randomness and the clarity of the step by step message felt like It really was a preview of the possibilities of my next year. Sam's love and wisdom added the insight that grounded the reading. I highly recommend a year ahead card reading at any point in the year when you need insights and inspiration.

Julianna Lovett - (CA USA) 

My 2022 overview reading was and is incredible! At the start of the year some things were mentioned that I had been thinking about for some time but did not think it could be a possibility this year. Sam said that the energy was available for me to use in the summer and even mentioned a particular place. When I re-listened to my reading again in late August I was astounded that she was absolutely spot on. 

Kelley (Kent UK)

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